Functional Rhinoplasty in Buckhead and Atlanta

Nose surgery is not only a cosmetic procedure. Many men and women struggle with functional issues associated with the nose, such as a deviated septum or obstructed airway that can make it difficult to breathe properly. Functional rhinoplasty is a procedure that can help reshape the underlying nasal structure to allow air to flow more efficiently through the nose.

What is Functional Rhinoplasty?

Functional rhinoplasty is a nose surgery that is performed to address specific functional concerns associated with the nose and nasal passageways. This is different from cosmetic rhinoplasty, which is intended primarily for aesthetic purposes, such as to reshape or reduce the size of the nose.

Dr. Sethna recommends functional rhinoplasty for women and men looking to…

  • Nasal fracture
  • Crooked or deviated septum (the cartilage within the nose that separates the nostrils)
  • Obstructed airway
  • Enlarged turbinates

What is the Rhinoplasty Procedure Like?

You will have a private consultation with Dr. Sethna to discuss your specific concerns as well as your goal outcome. Based on your unique circumstances, Dr. Sethna will customize a procedure plan designed to provide you with your optimal and most natural-looking outcome. She will also provide you with detailed instructions for both before and after your surgery.

With a functional rhinoplasty, the procedure will vary from patient to patient based on the underlying concern. There may be less need for any reshaping of the bone and cartilage as this surgery is performed primarily for functional rather than aesthetic purposes. For example, a deviated septum can be corrected by repositioning the septum to allow improved airflow through both nostrils. This specific type of functional rhinoplasty is known as a septoplasty.

Dr. Sethna will create a fully personalized procedure plan based on your specific condition.


What’s Recovery Like After Functional Rhinoplasty?

Each functional rhinoplasty Dr. Sethna performs is completely unique to the individual patient, so recovery timelines will vary. Dr. Sethna will provide you with detailed instructions for caring for your nose after your rhinoplasty, and she will schedule follow up visits to monitor your healing and ensure optimal outcomes.

Following your surgery, you should expect to take 1-2 weeks off work. Bandages and a splint will need to be worn during the first week of recovery. Most patients feel well enough to get back to their normal routine after the first 7-10 days, but you may choose to take a bit more time off as bruising and swelling continues to subside over the first few weeks.

If you experience any unexpected side effects after treatment, please contact our office immediately.


What Can I Expect for my Functional Rhinoplasty Results?

  • Initial Results at… 3 weeks
  • Final Results at… One year
  • Results last… Permanent

After your functional rhinoplasty, you should notice an immediate improvement in your ability to breath with improved air flow through your nose. You will likely notice gradual improvements as your nose continues to heal from surgery and as bruising and swelling subsides over the first few weeks. With traditional rhinoplasty, complete healing can take up to a full year. However, this can vary with functional rhinoplasty depending on the extent of your surgery and the amount of reshaping that was done.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Anita Sethna, MD, FACS is double board-certified in Head and Neck surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, with a passion for helping her patients to achieve their most confident, empowered, and youthful selves. To schedule your private consultation, please give our Atlanta office a call at 404-778-6880 or fill out our online contact form and we will get in touch with you right away.