Fillers in Buckhead and Atlanta

After around age 20, your skin begins to lose roughly one percent of its natural collagen supply each year. Collagen is a structural protein that is produced by healthy, younger skin and is responsible for maintaining a youthful appearance and foundation. As your skin loses collagen and elastin (another essential protein found within youthful skin) it can lead to common age-related concerns such as facial folds, wrinkles, and a loss of volume. Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvéderm®️ and Restylane®️ are designed to replenish what your skin loses with age, providing you with immediate, natural-looking results for an elegantly youthful appearance.

What are Fillers?

Fillers – also known as dermal fillers or facial fillers – are injectable treatments that work by carefully administering small amounts of “filler” beneath the skin to restore volume and smooth away common signs of aging. Different fillers are formulated using different types of gel, including naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid (or HA for short). Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by your body, and helps keep your skin hydrated, firm, and plump. When injected via fillers, the hyaluronic acid helps to immediately replenish facial volume and rehydrates the skin for a younger look and feel.

Dr. Sethna uses the popular collections of hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers from Juvéderm and Restylane.

Dr. Sethna recommends fillers for women and men looking to…

  • Replenish lost facial volume in and around the cheeks
  • Diminish the appearance of facial folds or wrinkles, such as:
    • Nasolabial folds (the “parentheses” lines around the nose and mouth)
    • Marionette lines (the vertical lines traveling downward from the edges of the mouth)
  • Enhance the shape or size of the lips
  • Treat an aged appearance of the hands

When considering your own filler treatment, Dr. Sethna will work closely with you to understand your goals, and make recommendations for specific fillers based on your unique concerns, skin condition, and desired outcome. For example, if your primary goal is to have fuller, younger looking lips, Dr. Sethna may recommend a filler designed for lip enhancement such as Voluma®️ by Juvéderm or Silk by Restylane.

What is the Filler Procedure Like?

Fillers are non-surgical treatments that are performed by Dr. Sethna on-site at our Atlanta cosmetic and reconstructive surgery practice.

You will have a private consultation with Dr. Sethna to discuss your specific concerns as well as your goal outcome. Based on your unique circumstances, Dr. Sethna will customize a treatment plan designed to provide you with your optimal and most natural-looking outcome. She will also provide you with detailed instructions for both before and after your treatment.

During your filler treatment, some topical numbing cream may be used to minimize any discomfort during injections, but there is no need for anesthesia. Based on what is discussed during your consultation with Dr. Sethna, the specific filler, amount of filler, and injection locations will be personalized to ensure your optimal outcome. Dr. Sethna will carefully inject the hyaluronic acid filler beneath the skin using a syringe, administering just the right amount needed to replenish volume, fill in wrinkles, and create a naturally youthful appearance.


What’s Recovery Like After Fillers?

There is very little to no downtime associated with hyaluronic acid filler treatments. Some minor discomfort and bruising/swelling is to be expected, but most patients are able to resume their normal routine shortly after their appointment with Dr. Sethna.

If you experience any unexpected side effects after treatment, please contact our office immediately.


What Can I Expect for my Filler Results?

  • Initial Results at… Immediate
  • Final Results at… Varies per filler
  • Results last… 6-12 months

In most cases, you will notice the results of your filler treatment immediately. The hyaluronic acid gel is designed to provide the skin with instant, volumizing benefits that can last for up to a full year. Certain fillers can even stimulate your skin’s natural production of collagen to encourage ongoing improvements even after the initial treatment.

As a specialist in even the most complex surgeries of the face and neck, Dr. Sethna is able to achieve remarkably natural-looking results with non-surgical filler treatments. Dr. Sethna works with her patients to create personalized filler treatment plans to help keep skin looking firmer and younger at any age. Filler treatments can be combined with other non-surgical procedures such as Botox®️ or laser resurfacing to further improve the look of the skin.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Anita Sethna, MD, FACS is double board-certified in Head and Neck surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, with a passion for helping her patients to achieve their most confident, empowered, and youthful selves. To schedule your private consultation, please give our Atlanta office a call at 404-778-6880 or fill out our online contact form and we will get in touch with you right away.